背调整到正常位置。所有个人电脑及电子设备必须关机。稍后,我们将调暗客舱灯光。谢谢!”座舱长的声音在机上各处响起。 你因为一开始就什么都没做,系好的安全带也没有解开过,机上广播所下的指示对你来说,听听就行。 接着一阵飞机底盘与地面撞击的声音,轰隆轰隆地响,弹了几次后才渐渐消停。 此时已有许多乘客迫不及待地解开安全带从座位上站起来;有些人则是开始与亲人联络,整个机舱闹哄哄的,就像一个小型的菜市场。 “Ladies and gentlemen, for your safety, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. At this time, you may use your cell phone. Please check around your seat for your personal belongings and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight. On behalf of Star Airline and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Wish you a pleasant journey, thank you. 各位旅客您好,为了您的安全,请您务必留在座位上并系好安全带直到安全带灯号熄灭为止,现在您可以使用手机。当您打开行李柜时请留意柜中的行李滑落,离开机舱时请留意您个人的随身物品,仅代表星空航空及全体机组人员,感谢您的搭乘,希望很快能再为您服务,祝您旅途愉快,谢谢!”又再次响起广播。 你与彤彤乘坐的是商务舱,算是第一批被安排下机的旅客。 等踏到地面,你慵懒地伸了个懒腰,“走吧!” 喔,忘了说,早在登机前你就又重新把自己画成了魏羡妤了,所以除了最刚开始的那场骚动之外,基本上就没什么人发现了。 现在,你们准备租车前往饭店休息;不过在那之前,你还是先向医生报个平安好了!M.LZ1915.CoM